Welcome to this blog honouring St. Thomas a Kempis. The "us" means you and I as I hope reading "The Imitation of Christ" over an extended time will help it sink in to our lives.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

CHAPTER XIV On avoiding rash judgment

This picture of rare noctilucent clouds which are about 50 miles above the earth was taken in Brabant Lake on June 18 at 11:23 at night. Some have seen holy images in this picture such as Jesus showing his Sacred Heart. These clouds certainly inspired a sense of awe.

Look well unto thyself, and beware that thou judge not the doings
of others. In judging others a man laboureth in vain; he often
erreth, and easily falleth into sin; but in judging and examining
himself he always laboureth to good purpose. According as a
matter toucheth our fancy, so oftentimes do we judge of it; for
easily do we fail of true judgment because of our own personal
feeling. If God were always the sole object of our desire, we
should the less easily be troubled by the erring judgment of our

2. But often some secret thought lurking within us, or even some
outward circumstance, turneth us aside. Many are secretly
seeking their own ends in what they do, yet know it not. They
seem to live in good peace of mind so long as things go well with
them, and according to their desires, but if their desires be
frustrated and broken, immediately they are shaken and
displeased. Diversity of feelings and opinions very often brings
about dissensions between friends, between countrymen, between
religious and godly men.

3. Established custom is not easily relinquished, and no man is
very easily led to see with the eyes of another. If thou rest
more upon thy own reason or experience than upon the power of
Jesus Christ, thy light shall come slowly and hardly; for God
willeth us to be perfectly subject unto Himself, and all our
reason to be exalted by abundant love towards Him.

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